Call for Papers

Focusing on Design, Manufacturing, and
Evaluation of Optical Systems and/or components
The Optical Symposium is held annually to provide a forum for the discussion of new ideas and achievements in the field of design, manufacturing, and evaluation of optical systems and/or elements.
Papers on practical aspects in these fields are especially welcome.
Your are cordially invited to participate in the 39th Optical Symposium.


OSJ(Optical Society of Japan)
(An affiliate of the Japan Society of Applied Physics)
June 26th(Thu.) & 27th(Fri.), 2014
The University of Tokyo (Meguro, Tokyo, Japan)
Institute of Industrial Science
The University of Tokyo Komaba Research Campus
6th March (Thu.)18th March (Tue.), 2014
21st April (Mon.), 2014


Presentation (Discussion) languages:
Japanese or English
Presentation format:
Oral with PC projector


Qualification for submission:
Member of OSJ, JSAP, OSK, SPIE or cooperation group
Abstract submission:
Please send the following information by E-mail. Title, full name (add ○ to the speaker), department name, abstract (less than 200 characters), address (zip code, address, full name, E-mail, telephone, fax)
Paper submission:
The author of an accepted paper will be asked to submit a paper manuscript of 2 or 4 pages. The paper format can be obtained from the following site.
Contact address for abstract submission and for obtaining further information:
Optical symposium administration
E-mail: optsymp39(@)
Please change "(@)" into" @".

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